Narwianski National Park
The greatest natural feature of the park is its well-preserved and unspoilt swampy River Narew valley which features a unique system of flood waters, old riverbeds, bulrushes and shallow bogs, which together are known as The Polish Amazonia.
The Narwiański National Park is home to almost half of all the water flora which can be found in Poland. Many varieties of the park’splants are under total protection.

Swampy Narew Valley is an important haven for birds in Europe. It has a particularly rich bird life of nearly 200 species
with 154 species nesting here. Many of them are endangered, for example the aquatic warbler, the corncrake, the small bittern, the black stork, the short-eared owl and others. Some species of this local waterfowl family are difficult to spot elsewhere in Europe.
The park is under the protection of the RAMSAR International Convention.