Money in Poland (notes and coins)

Coins in circulation:
PLN 1, 2 and 5 and
1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 groszy coins

Notes in circulation:
PLN 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 notes.

To help the blind and partially-sighted, each Polish banknote carries a special mark – a distinctive embossed shape identifying the value of the bank note:
PLN 10 – square
PLN 20 – circle
PLN 50 – diamond
PLN 100 – plus sign
PLN 200 – triangle

Currency exchange

You can exchange money everywhere in Poland, in big cities and small towns. You can use an ATM machine or visit a bank, currency exchange counter in town or at a hotel reception desk.

All major foreign currencies may be exchanged for Polish money at a bank or exchange counter, (identified by the name Kantor). Over the counter exchange is available at larger hotels, at border crossings or in dedicated outlets across towns and cities. Transactions in kantors cannot be reversed.

Banks in larger cities are usually open from 9 am to 4 pm on weekdays and until 1 pm on Saturdays. In smaller towns or villages they have more limited business hours, usually from 5 am to 1 pm.

Kantors are usually open from 9 am to 7 pm weekdays and until 2 pm on Saturdays. 24-hour services are usually available in larger major tourist centres such as train stations, border crossings and airports.

Travellers Cheques

Major travellers cheques can be exchanged (for a commission) at most of the locations above, with the exception of Kantors. Eurocheques are accepted in accordance with the standard international practice.

If you want to know about the current exchange rate of the Polish zloty, use our money calculator.

Banks & cash dispensers

Visitors to Poland may be assured of easy access to banks and cash dispensers, particularly in larger towns.

Banks are normally open on working days between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., sometimes even up to 6 p.m. Banks offer money exchange, collection of money transfers or cashing traveller’s cheques.

Cash dispensers (ATM)
In Poland, ATM’s, which operate 24 hours a day, offer far easier access to your money than banks. They can normally be found near such places as banks, rail stations, airports, supermarkets, town centres and other places popular with visitors.

What are traveller’s cheques and will banks cash them?
Traveller’s cheques are a means of carrying money which is safer than cash. Their advantage is that if they are lost or stolen the money is not lost, and the cheque can be re-issued within a very short time. On arrival at your destination, you can exchange the cheque for cash. This can be done at most Polish banks. However in many cases it is not necessary to cash your traveller’s cheques, as they are often accepted as a means of payment, particularly in large stores.

Payment by credit card

It is hard these days to get by without a piece of plastic in your wallet, particularly while travelling abroad, when it is neither necessary nor convenient to carry travellers cheques or cash. In Poland, the use of credit cards is widely accepted, particularly in major towns and tourist attractions.

Where can I pay by credit card, and what are the advantages of doing so?
Virtually everywhere. In supermarkets and most shops credit cards are a standard form of payment. For foreign visitors they have an added bonus, because they eliminate the need to exchange money before coming to Poland.

Which cards are most widely accepted in Poland?
The most widely used cards are Europay International, MasterCard International, Visa International, and American Express, both embossed and electronic versions.

Electronic cards (Maestro, Visa Electron) can be used only in cash dispensers and at points of sale equipped with electronic card readers. Embossed cards (Eurocard/Mastercard, VISA) are not subject to such restrictions.

Payment by bitcoin

Number of places in Poland where you can pay by bitcoin is growing. Every year there are new cafes, restaurants and museums where you can use your digital currency. You can find full map of those places here

Using ATM’s in Poland.
Poland has a dense network of ATM’s (called bankomat), which are connected to all international networks. There are almost ten thousand ATM’s in the whole of Poland, of which over a thousand are located in Warsaw alone.

Please consult your bank or card issuer about the charges incurred while using your card abroad.

Euro – €
Please note that Poland is not a member of the Euro currency system and that Poland’s legal tender is złoty.


Shopping for a bargain may be a great holiday pastime. You will be excited to know that Poland offers a great choice of goods at affordable prices and a wide variety of local specialities and souvenirs to make your holiday even more unforgettable.

If you want to bring home from Poland something special for you or your partner, you will not be disappointed – Poland has no shortage of such attractions.

The streets of historic city centres are lined with art galleries and antique shops selling objects of art, souvenirs and hand crafted goods.

To buy traditional Polish food delicacies – such real Polish ham, sausages, mushroom or home-baked bread, you should visit a farmers’ market. These markets have a long standing tradition of offering a wide choice of organic products and local specialities.

Those who prefer shopping in hypermarkets (including many international chains) will not be disappointed either. These shops stay open until late at night, and offer a wide range of branded goods Polish and imported consumer products.

Every major city in Poland has one or more huge shopping centres. Here, all in one place, you can find many boutiques, international chain stores, restaurants, bars and other attractions providing fun for the whole family.

Prices – some examples

Poland is not an expensive country, hence one of the reasons many tourists chose to come here is value for money. Yet Poland is ideal not only of those who want to enjoy a reasonably priced holiday, but also  those who are prepared to pay for luxury.

Hotels and restaurants
You should expect to pay around PLN (zloty) 250–350 per night for a good quality double room in Warsaw and other major cities. More modest hotels offer prices ranging from PLN (zloty) 160 to 250. You may also take advantage of comfortable guest houses or private accommodation, usually charging between PLN (zloty) 30 and 100 per night.

In restaurants, much depends on the type of menu and the standard of the venue. The cost of a decent meal is between PLN (zloty) 6 and 30 for a single course, or PLN (zloty) 15 to 80 for a three course meal.

Shops and markets
Food prices are relatively low in Poland – particularly for locally produced goods. It is even cheaper to do your shopping at farmers’ markets. You will not only buy directly from the producer, but also you will be able to haggle, as asking for a good price is the accepted thing to do.

Here everything depends on how you want to spend your time and money. Most pubs and cafés with live music and disco bars sell variety of drinks and appetisers, thus catering for a wide variety of tastes and wallets. A half-litre glass of excellent Polish beer, depending on the type of establishment, will cost between PLN (zloty) 5 and 12. Cocktails are usually priced at PLN (zloty) 10 – 15. Cinemas, theatres, aqua-parks and game arcades are relatively inexpensive, too.

The cost of using public transport in Poland is generally low. Within towns, it is best to travel by bus. While buses in large cities offer quick and easy travel, during rush hours they may be crowded and slow, thus planning ahead is advised. Tickets for adults cost between PLN (zloty) 2 and 3.

If you do not know the place well you may prefer to take a taxi. Compared with other European countries, Polish taxis are relatively cheap. Fares range from PLN (zloty) 1.20 to 2 per kilometre. For long taxi trips you should negotiate the fare in advance.

If you plan to travel by train, make sure to calculate in advance the cost of your journey – fares depend on the type of train (regular, fast, express) and class. The comfort of first-class travel is not very different from second-class, while ticket prices may vary significantly. Some trains require booking a seat (reservations can be made at train stations in Poland).
